
Software preventing havoc on Telecom use

Call Accounting Software's Telecom Expense Management Can Thwart PBX Hackers by Lisa Santora

According to Ken Lewis' article "PABX hackers rack up $9000 phone bill," an Australian company's PBX system was cracked by hackers who ran up a huge telephone bill by making lengthy calls to the United Arab Emirates and other unauthorized destinations. Deploying a full featured call accounting system can help reduce vulnerabilities by providing real time call detail records for all calls. Today's sophisticated call accounting software systems can track all PBX, calling card, wireless,3 and VoIP calls in a centralized database. Through the security features alone an enterprise can realize ROI from a feature-rich call accounting system with telecom expense management.

Ken Lewis' article mentions that the Australian enterprise fell victim to hackers who made numerous lengthy unauthorized calls. "Over a one-week period there were an enormous amount of calls made - there were two and three-hour calls made to the Arab Emirates, Somalia, and other countries in Africa and South America." A call accounting software system immediately detects suspicious call activity so action can be promptly taken to resolve the situation before it gets out of hand.

A call accounting software system is also essential to telecom cost management. A quality call accounting system can not only help increase security, but also identify telecom service cost savings, is compatible with all PBXs, and can support an unlimited number of PBXs. Any enterprise or organization that needs to ensure its telephone network security can benefit from installing a call accounting system, including government offices, colleges and universities, hotels, convention centers, healthcare facilities, law firms, and nursing and retirement homes.

Installing a telecom expense management feature can help identify threats made from inside the enterprise as well. Studies show that over 85% of corporate espionage is perpetrated by employees. Employees can knowingly or unwittingly assist outside agents to crack a telephone system. A call accounting system can help track employee productivity by indentifying where all calls originate, so administrators can trace any suspicious calls made from within the organization.

Author, Lisa Santora, writes articles on the business benefits of call accounting and call detail record technology. More information can be found at http://www.telsoft-solutions.com.

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